Day 2 of ACPM’s Annual Conference – Preventive Medicine 2024 – did not disappoint! The energy and passion demonstrated throughout the day by moderators, presenters and workshop and session participants was contagious.

0500-(1).JPGDuring the first plenary session, top leaders shared expertise and insights into the role federal government agencies serve in guiding, assessing, evaluating and delivering evidence-based science and national leadership to protect and improve population health. ACPM Regent-at-Large Dr. Boris Lushniak led an engaging discussion with federal health leaders including Dr. Robert Califf, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Dan Hanfling, Director of Private Sector Strategic Partnerships for the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response, and Andi Lipstein Fristedt, Deputy Director for Policy, Communications and Legislative Affairs and Chief Strategy Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Their insights into governmental leadership and perspectives on the interface and collaboration between regulatory bodies and scientific discovery were both insightful and entertaining. Additionally, hearing from both the executive and legislative branches of government through commentary from Admiral Rachel L. Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health, and Congresswoman Kim Schrier (D-WA-08) made the session complete. Their words of gratitude and appreciation for what preventive medicine physicians do to improve the health of the nation were heartwarming to hear.

Throughout the day, attendees participated in workshops and skill-building sessions covering a wide range of topics in preventive medicine, from Brief Action Planning (BAP) to media skills and more. Experts presented innovative approaches to expanding Preventive Medicine GME rotations and curriculum offerings, while prioritizing resident well-being. Members grabbed their lunches to catch a screening of the film "Virulent: The Vaccine War," delving into the science and the tactics of mis-information and dis-information campaigns by various movements. Following the screening, Dr. Scott Ratzan, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Health Communications, led a dynamic Q&A session discussing the significance of vaccines in our communities and the ongoing challenges in effectively communicating evidence-based research and their efficacy amidst misinformation.

The final plenary of the day moderated by ACPM President-elect Dr. Ryung Suh, featured introductory remarks by Dr. Paul Friedrichs, Director of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response, about leadership in public health and the importance of preventive medicine physicians. His remarks were followed by an expert panel of medical and public health leaders including Chris Chanyasulkit, Immediate Past President of APHA, Pramod Dwivedi, President of NACCHO, LTG Dr. Telita Crosland, Director of the Defense Health Agency, and Dr. Marcus Plescia, CMO of ASTHO. Each of these extraordinary leaders shared their personal journeys of leadership and challenges through the complexities of the pandemic and offered insights and tips for those interested in stepping into leadership roles.

Day 3 of the conference will bring another round of thoughtful discussions and educational opportunities. To learn more, visit here and follow the conversation on social media using #PM2024.


Donna Grande, MGA
CEO of the American College of Preventive Medicine
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