With summer winding down, the weekends seem to be a little less scheduled and more open for taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures — like a Saturday morning stroll through the local farmer’s market. This past weekend, my daughter and I grabbed our “market” bags and hit the stands. I am always amazed at the stimulation from so many colors found in the fruits and vegetables, not to mention the smells, especially the peaches and basil! (Just the memory brings a smile.) And, as it was so eloquently explained in the promo for the market, this past weekend represented the great divide between seasons — you will find the summer fruits and vegetables, but also see the introduction of squash. A nice reminder it is harvest season.

However, as the author Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Just as those farmers at the market are laying the groundwork for next year’s crop (whether it is nursing seedlings or a customer base), I see so many of our members mirror this philosophy in how they give back to the specialty and the seeds they plant to help grow Preventive Medicine.

Nearly 10 faculty have spent myriad hours reviewing and updating content for ACPM’s Board Review Course  to ensure it aligns with the new ABPM milestones and provides trust-worthy study materials for those sitting for the exam. While it is an honor to be invited to contribute to this effort, the work these individuals put into preparing the materials is valued beyond words. Then I shift gears and think about the networking and mentoring events not only underway for PM2025,  but also held virtually throughout the year. Again, so many members spend hours coaching, answering questions, providing guidance and making connections for young physicians. This year, ACPM also launched the Career Conversations  series; again, our experienced members prepared materials, created presentations and fielded questions — all to nurture the rising generation of PM physicians and help them navigate the many pathways in the specialty. Not to mention, the dedicated group who have worked with our PMR program directors to identify gaps in curriculum and create a series of webinars to supplement resident training. The first area of focus is on public health emergency preparedness and response and launched last week.

These are just a few highlights of how our dedicated members and devoted PM physicians are sowing the seeds to build the pipeline of the specialty. And, I extend my appreciation and gratitude to each of them for their support of the College and our mission “… to support preventive medicine specialists in their role as public health and health systems leaders.”

During this transitional season, I encourage you to take some time to enjoy the simple pleasures, stroll the farmers market, and while you fill your bags with nutritious food, think about how you can plant a seed for the specialty. Bring your ideas to the College and we will grow the pipeline together!

Melissa Ferrari, CAE
Interim CEO
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