Changes are coming to how we support you at ACPM. In fall 2022, the College set out to modernize its processes and streamline operations through migrating to a new Association Management System (AMS). An AMS is the central control hub for an association. It houses member records, business transactions and centralized reporting among other functions. And, it will allow for single sign on – the feature that allows you to use your one ACPM username and password to access your account, the learning platform, the journal and more. This move was made with you, the member, in mind as we seek to provide you with a more user-friendly, streamlined and robust experience.

ACPM spent months preparing for this transition, and it's finally happening next week. Here is what you need to know:

  1. You will receive an email from ACPM membership asking you to activate your account in the new system.
  2. Your username will now be the email associated with your account. If you are unsure which email you use, it will be the one to which the stated email is sent.
  3. You will be prompted to reset your password in the new system.
  4. After you have logged into the new system, you will be taken to your user profile. Please take time to review your profile information. A feature of the new system will be an enhanced member directory that will pull from your member profile. Please ensure your information is up to date.

We have taken great care to make this transition as seamless as possible for members. If you run into any issues or need help, please email the membership team at We will provide more information next week when the transition occurs as well as ongoing resources for navigating the new system. Thank you for your continued membership, and we hope this transition enhances your member experience.


Eric Oyan, PMP
Director of Membership and Marketing
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