I wanted to take a minute to first of all thank our conference planning committee, track chairs and abstract reviewers and ACPM staff for all of their support, expertise and hard work to get this conference ready for all of you. And I would especially like to thank the committee Chair, Dr. Linda Hill, for her partnership through the process as we planned the meeting. We still have a little ways to go, but I am incredibly proud of the agenda we have put together and excited for you to experience it first-hand.
To date, we have an agenda with more than 120 speakers and over 70 poster presentations, covering topics ranging from COVID-19’s impact on clinical preventive services to integrating lifestyle medicine for busy practitioners. One of the sessions I am most excited about is one of the plenaries, Communications for Evidence-Based Impact. Such an important topic and a great panel of speakers.
We’re also looking forward to networking and reconnecting with all of our colleagues during some of the extracurricular events at the meeting, including daily morning wellness sessions and a trip to the Colorado Rockies baseball game Friday evening. Win or lose, it's a great stadium and a fun evening.
Registration is still open, with early registration rates available until June 1, so there is no better time to make your plans to join us in Denver for the meeting. We hope to see you here.