Integrating lifestyle medicine and preventive medicine into undergraduate medical education (UME) has a critical impact aiding the quality of life for patients with chronic diseases and preparing aspiring physicians to meet the future needs of their patient populations. The American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) promotes this integration through a strategic project that is supported by our members and partner organizations to inspire institutions to focus on these competencies.

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What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Lifestyle medicine is a set of science-based and evidence supported practices of behavior modification that helps patients prevent and manage chronic disease.

What Physicians Practice Lifestyle Medicine?

Physicians with expertise in Lifestyle Medicine, many of them board-certified in Preventive Medicine, have specific training in the fields of modifying physical activity, nutrition, sleep and behaviors such as smoking cessation and stress management to improve health. Many physicians receive certification through the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine as an additional professional credential and to deepen their understanding of the science and evidence-base for lifestyle medicine practice.

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Lifestyle Medicine in Undergraduate Medical Education: Project Overview

ACPM has developed a strategic roadmap for the implementation of lifestyle medicine and preventive medicine into UME programming across American medical schools and other undergraduate medical education programs.  

This critical need for integrating these practices into foundational medical education arises from a lack of skills and knowledge among the physician workforce to effectively counsel patients on lifestyle-related influences of health, such as:
  • Physical activity
  • Nutrition
  • Smoking cessation
  • Sleep
  • Stress management
Improvements in each of these lifestyle factors can produce positive health outcomes.

Training in lifestyle and preventive medicine competencies can provide current and future physicians with the knowledge and skills to better meet social and population health needs. Even though research exists to support the benefits of training physicians in lifestyle medicine and preventive medicine interventions, there is insufficient medical education, structure, incentives, and support to enable these medical professionals to effectively address lifestyle-related determinants of health in clinical settings.  

Download Project Resources

The outputs from this project include a whitepaper with detailed findings from the study, a literature review and gap analysis, and an infographic showing actionable steps to accelerate the integration of LM and PM content into UME.

Download our project resources:

Partner Organizations

ACPM is proud to partner with leading medical and professional organizations to continue the advancement of preventive medicine and lifestyle medicine education for physicians.

Our partners include:
  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
  • American Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM)
  • American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)
  • Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
  • Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
  • American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
  • Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)
  • Institute of Lifestyle Medicine (ILM)
  • National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
  • Robert Graham Center 
  • University of Case Western
  • George Washington University (GW) 
  • University of South Carolina 
  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UMPC) Health Plans
  • Wright Medical Center for Graduate Medical EducationBottom of Form


Through our initiatives, ACPM sets a precedent for medical excellence; a new standard to follow throughout the industry. 

As a member of ACPM, you have the opportunity to advance our role in implementing lifestyle medicine curricula within the medical educational system. Our resources are also supported by donations, and we appreciate all contributions that support our cause.

Talk with us about your experiences and join us in the creation of future roadmap ideas. You can contact ACPM at or by calling (202) 466-2044.