Emotional Wellness- Module

Course Details

Course Details

  • 2 Courses

    • Part 1: Assessment and Interventions for Stress and Mental Illness- Module
    • Part 2: Healthy Lifestyle Interventions and Positive Psychology- Module
  • 1.75 CME Credits

    1.75 MOC Credits

  • Member: $54.55
    Student/Resident Member: $38.24
    ACPM Subscriber: $54.55
    Non-Member: $68.32
  • Availability: In Person

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Emotional Wellness- Module

About the Program

Currently, lifestyle medicine focused practices usually align with primary care practices in conducting basic depression screening, treat mild cases, and refer severe cases. A lifestyle medicine practice which aims to facilitate health behavior change, needs to screen for a spectrum of stress and mood disorders, as well as offer positive psychology interventions.

Although USPSTF only has a recommendation for depression screening and counseling, a lifestyle medicine practice which aims to facilitate health behavior change, needs to screen for a spectrum of stress and mood disorders, as well as offer positive psychology interventions. Mental health and emotional well-being are essential to support/promote efforts for health behavior change. Moreover, emotional well-being habits, such as social connectedness and living with purpose/meaning independently impact health outcomes and longevity Enroll Now